• There is a 10% tax added to our products. We do not offer invoices, you need to use your PayPal Receipt for your accounting or VAT needs. Tax will be added at checkout. We only accept PayPal for addon purchases.
  • In order to get access to any paid resources (that you own) which I transfered rights to Painbaker, you will need to register on his site and shoot him a direct message. He will then assign you any licenses you own there. Advanced Forms and the Spaminator Trilogy are still available here.
[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Poll type forms are now working again in XF 2.2
Fixed: InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'video_url' on XF:Attachment[24022] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:203 running XF 2.2
Added: Template modification for the forum_view template to support XF 2.2
Fixed: upgrade error from 1.x to 2.x Data too long for column 'snog_label'
Change: Existing column 'snog_label' from VARCHAR 30 to VARCHAR 50
Fix an issue with custom error message on expired forms allowing submitting of form.
Fixed an issue where custom profile fields as a default answer for questions were not showing the correct phrase.
Fixed: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors.

Fixed: Argument 1 passed to XF::asVisitor() must be an instance of XF\Entity\User, instance of XF\Entity\Admin given, called in /home/nginx/domains/pijanitvor.com/public/src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php on line 1695 src/XF.php:473
Fixed: A bug where users could submit a form multiple times if they had a direct link to the form even if they exceeded the form limit.
Fixed: An error, [E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: XX src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php:409
Fixed the version number on +/- 20 phrases that had the wrong version number associated with them. This would cause translated phrases to show as outdated.
Fixed an error.
[E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: 149 src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php:412

That error is because some one is submitting something using the form link directly without viewing the form itself.