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  • In order to get access to any paid resources (that you own) which I transfered rights to Painbaker, you will need to register on his site and shoot him a direct message. He will then assign you any licenses you own there. Advanced Forms and the Spaminator Trilogy are still available here.
[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

- Fix: Type & form criteria now work as described
- Fix: Report thread visibility is not forced (may go to the approval queue even if "Require approval" is unchecked)
- Fix: Conversation user is null on form approval/deny
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

Fix: ensure the PC sender is exists on form approval/deny
Fix: "Publicly visible" checkbox is always unchecked
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

- Fix: properly loop conditional questions
- Fixed the "'posid' is read only" error when trying to copy a form
- Fixed broken form use limit criteria
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

- Refactor: Render report message for each report type separately to handle it by custom add-ons
- Refactor: Form redirect URL
- Refactor: Properly filter viewable forms
- Refactor: Form submit & view logic
- Refactor: Cleanup ACP templates & add hooks for template modifications
- Fixed attempting to save thread/post/conversation with validation errors
- Fixed broken redirect on forms with quick reply to existing thread
- Fixed missing & mismatching maxLenght option on input fields & properly handle maxLenght values
- Fix: avoid "Attempted to convert NULL to integer [prefix_id]" error if no default forum prefixes available
- Removed hardcoded template callbacks
- Completely removed XF <2.2 stuff support
- Cache navigation tab display condition result to session storage
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Reactions: ottoZF
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Now That Ive got your attention:

- Added checks to avoid poll creation on forums where is not available poll thread type.
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Now That Ive got your attention:

Fixed undefined variable $warnings error in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Callbacks/Expected.php:92
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Now That Ive got your attention:

Fixed: Broken quick reply form type
Removed: Unused jQuery 3.3.1
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Reactions: oNdsen
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Now That Ive got your attention:

- Fixed storing conditional answers to database
- Fix: breaking form submit log layout with deleted forms
- Fixed error if forum for new thread is deleted
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Now That Ive got your attention:

Fixed XML import from older versions
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Now That Ive got your attention:

Fix: broken default form prefix without MultiPrefix add-on