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[OzzModz] Auto Close Threads

[OzzModz] Auto Close Threads 2.0.0

Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
License: Addon Supporter Addons
You may not redistribute the addon in whole or in part.
Updates Duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above What are lifetime updates?
XenForo 2.2+

This addon will allow you to auto close threads based on criteria. The addon closes the threads on the fly, so if you change any of the options, disable the addon or uninstall it, the threads will return to their previous state. You can choose which forums this applies to and which groups are excluded from seeing the threads closed. You can also set sticky threads to be excluded from being closed. This was originally written by @Banxix and is a MIT license. The original license is included in the zip file.

Close Based On:
  • First post date
  • Last post date
  • Reply count
Premium upgrade:

This [OzzModz] addon along with the entire collection can be purchased for $10.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many [OzzModz] addons as you like for six months. Please see the entire collection at the below URL:


Addon Options:
First release
Last update


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