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[OzzModz] Search All Conversations/DM's

[OzzModz] Search All Conversations/DM's 2.0.0

Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
License: Addon Supporter Addons
You may not redistribute the addon in whole or in part.
Updates Duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above What are lifetime updates?
XenForo 2.2+

This addon allows those with the proper permission to search all conversations by various criteria. I would limit this addon to yourself and trusted staff, don't allow all staff the ability to use this. I would also suggest making your members aware that conversations/direct messages are not "private" and are subject to viewing if necessary.

FYI the XenForo censor system is disabled for this addon while viewing a pm/dm. This means whatever words you have censored in your ACP will show up exactly as they are typed. This was done to carefully monitor the exact context of the actual message.

You can search by the following:
  • Titles or content
  • Keywords
  • Specific user
  • Conversation ID
  • Message ID

There are four permissions with the addon:
  • Can use search PM/DM
  • Can delete PM/DM
  • Can join PM/DM
  • Can lock PM/DM

This addon is inspired after the passing of the UK Online Safety Regulations Act.

Premium upgrade:

This [OzzModz] addon along with the entire collection can be purchased for $10.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many [OzzModz] addons as you like for six months. Please see the entire collection at the below URL:


You can access the search page from these locations (visitor menu and pm/dm list):

Visitor Menu:

PM/DM List:

Once you click on the search link, you will see a page like this, that allows you to search through all the pm's/dm's:

Search Form:

In the above example, you can see we are searching message content for the word crypto.
Once you click on the search button, you will get a results page similar to this:

Search Results:

From there you can click on a conversation to view it:

Pm/DM View:

As you can see in the sidebar, there are various things you can do with the pm/dm such as lock it, join it or delete it. Once a pm/dm is locked, the participants can not unlock it, If you delete a pm/dm it is permanently removed and can not be recovered. The sidebar also has a block showing the pm/dm participants.

If a pm/dm has attachments, they will show as a link in the message, you can click on that and it will open a new page where you can see the images/videos or download zip files.

Attachment Examples:

After Clicking On Attachments Link:

You will notice a "Report message" link in each message of the conversation. Those with the proper permissions will be able to report the message. This does not use the traditional XF report system, this will post a thread in a specified forum for you to discuss with other staff what should be done. I did it this way so you can restrict the forum to specific staff members so all moderators are not able to see it.

Report form:

Report thread:

Addon Options:

  • spm8.png
    82.2 KB · Views: 0
  • spm7.png
    79.7 KB · Views: 0
First release
Last update


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