[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo

[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.2.0 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($30.00)
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.

2.2.0 Beta 2:

Fixed "undefined method copyContents" error in Setup.php
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Now That Ive got your attention:
This is a beta release, take a full backup before installing on a production site. Optimally try it out on a test site that is a replication of your live site before installing on the live site. It has had limited testing.


  • General code refactor
  • XF 2.3 compatibility
  • Minimal XF version changed to 2.2
  • Removed XenPorta support
  • [BREAKING] Add-on was integrated with ForumType and ThreadType system (XF2.2+).
  • "Music thread forums" add-on option was removed (all previously selected forums in this option will be automatically converted to "TADb Music forum" type).
  • "Allow mixed content" option was deleted (now can be used "General discussion" forum type with "TADb Music threads" type)
  • Added ability to add music in favorites, listened, owned lists and account pages to view and manage them

New features:

  • Added ability to bulk add albums for artist (requires corresponding permission)
  • Added ability to add custom albums that do not exist on TADb (requires corresponding permission)
  • Added option to disallow albums to be posted multiple times
  • Cached user music thread count to optimize user criteria
  • Added ability to upload custom YouTube icon asset in style properties


  • Fixed PHP 8.1+ compatibility
  • Fixed incorrect permissions checks not allowing to configure node-specific permissions
  • Fixed remaining music rating data on music deletion
  • Fixed missing unique index in music ratings table which could allow multiple ratings of the same music by a single user under certain circumstances
Thanks to @Davyc and @gemma for sponsoring this update
Please take a backup before installing this version, that way if something goes wrong you can restore to a working point!!!

Should be good to go with XF 2.2 Only thing you need to do is turn off the polls in the node(s) under the setting "Allowed thread types" for the music forums.
Updated: Addon now uses their new API key system.
  • Like
Reactions: pete and GameNet
Fixed: A possible SQL injection in the unlikely event theAudioDB doesn't clean data before entering it in their database. Thanks to @TickTackk for the report.
An update to the Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account to download this update.

  • Fix - A compatibility issue with XenPorta 2
An update to the Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account to download this update.
  • Fix - Rating stars not showing in thread list with UiX style
  • Fix - Unable to edit album with UiX style
WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL THIS UPDATE ON XENFORO 2.0.x. XenForo 2.0.x is no longer supported with this update.
An update to the Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account to download this update.
  • Fix - Misc. display problems with XF 2.1
An update to the Music Thread Starter for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account to download this update.
  • Fix - Album info not being displayed in forum thread list for UiX2 and PixelExit styles
  • Change - Add support for XenForo 2.1
NOTE: While I've added support for XenForo 2.1, there is no guarantee the changes will continue to work. If something changes in 2.1 there may be more updates needed.