[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo

[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo [Paid] 2.2.0 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Using version AudioDb Music Thread Starter 2.0.2

I am getting a permissions error guessing it's from the AudioDB website??

Was trying to post http://www.theaudiodb.com/album/2302134

Screen Shot 07-17-18 at 08.43 PM.PNG

I tried to post the link in the Audio test forums just said error

I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me!
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No it's not from the AudioDb, it's a problem with albums that don't have an album cover at the AudioDB, but do at Fanart. I'll correct this in the next release.

Like the XF1 version, images from Fanart are not normally accessible, so they will be filtered out and no image will be used for albums where the cover image is at Fanart.
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So I'll just update the Album info myself! ;) ??
WARNING: This add-on needs to be updated for XenForo 2.1.0 due to changes in XenForo 2.1.0. It will not work with XenForo 2.1.0 at this time. It will work with XenForo 2.0.x.
Compatibility report with XF 2.1

The additional sorting options on the filter box aren't present.

In template modification snogMusic12
I changed <xf:option value="first_post_likes">{{ phrase('first_message_likes') }}</xf:option> to <xf:option value="first_post_reaction_score">{{ phrase('first_message_reaction_score') }}</xf:option>

In template modification snogMusic14
I changed 'first_post_likes': phrase('first_message_likes') to 'first_post_reaction_score': phrase('first_message_reaction_score')

The 'like' option is still shown on the first post.

In template modification snogMusic16
I changed #(<xf:if is="\$post.canLike.*<\/a>.*<\/xf:if>)#Us to <xf:react content="{$post}" link="posts/react" list="< .js-post | .js-reactionsList" />
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Those are all already fixed for when XF 2.1 comes out of Beta. I would not suggest making any changes to anything in XF 2.1 for the add-on.

I am aware of what does and doesn't work in XF 2.1 and do update the development version with each 2.1 release. The add-on WILL NOT be released for 2.1 until after 2.1 comes out of Beta.
It would be nice if instead of a manual track listing, the Spotify embed could be used.


My initial thought was to achieve this through a custom thread field, but would the Spotify media code then have to be replicated instead of just using existing BBCode?

I've made an interim template edit to accomplish this, but it isn't ideal..
If track list is empty -> show overview data and hide overview label
..then add the media embed and a manual Overview: label to the remaining overview data.
That's outside the scope off this addon and something i wouldn't be looking to add. Sorry I couldn't give you better news.