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    Once the Premium membership has expired you can continue to use the installed addons on your forum as long as you like.
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[OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read

[OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read 2.0.2 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 2.2
  2. 2.3
License: Addon Supporter Addons
You may not redistribute the addon in whole or in part.
Updates Duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above What are lifetime updates?
XenForo 2.2+

Remember when marking the forums read was a one-click happen? You didn't need a nanny asking if you were sure, with an annoying popup and an additional click needed? We've kicked the nanny to the curb with [OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read.

Installation is simple and easy to set up. Once installed it also works for marking individual forums read as well. Ditch the nanny and save those extra clicks with this slick and snazzy addon.

The addon has two options.
  • Allow all forums to be marked read
  • Allow individual forums to be marked read
The addon has a usergroup permission that allows you to select which usergroups can use the addon.
It also has a user preference setting so those users with permission to use the addon can turn it on/off.

Premium upgrade:

This [OzzModz] addon along with the entire collection can be purchased for $10.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many [OzzModz] addons as you like for six months. Please see the entire collection at the below URL:


Addon Options:
markread options.png

Usergroup permissions:
markread perms.png

User setting:
markread usersetting.png

Thanks for Help and advice:
@Jeremy P
@Max Taxable
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More add-ons from Ozzy47

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Latest updates

  1. OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.0.2 Patch Level 1

    2.0.2 Patch Level 1 XF 2.3 compatibility
  2. [OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.2

    Changed template modification order to add compatibility with Xon's Moderator Essentials addon.
  3. [OzzModz] One-Click Mark Read for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.1

    Added one-click mark read support for the what's new page.

Latest reviews

Great job everyone and I did have oppunity to test that mod on my forums at www.dcu.blue