[OzzModz] Post As User

[OzzModz] Post As User 2.1.3

No permission to buy ($30.00)
  • Added [OzzModz] XFRM Resource Questions support
  • Fixed compatibility with latest [tl] Social Groups versions
  • Fixed conflict with [OzzModz] Post As Moderated when replying in thread
2.1.1 Patch Level 1:
- Fix: unchecking "As thread starter" does not reset saved cookie
- Added option to hide "As thread starter" checkbox
- Added checkbox to quickly reply as thread starter
- Added "number of content published as another user" daily statistics
- Fix: do not save log record if posted as yourself
- Fix: properly get guest user & validate username (there were errors if the nickname did not match the format in the specified "Username validation" option)
- General code refactor
- Dropped XF 2.1.x support
- Updated support for [OzzModz] Quote Book 2.1+
- Reduced DB query amount on posted as another user content list pages
- Added XFMG comment support
- Added XFMG album & media rating support
- Added XFRM resource rating support
- Added compatibility with [OzzModz] XFRM: Update Comments
- Fixed user saving cookie lifetime
- Added [OzzModz] prefix to add-on title