[OzzModz] User Fake Activity

[OzzModz] User Fake Activity 2.0.5

No permission to buy ($10.00)
  • Code refactor
  • Added filter by content user for reaction activity
  • Added user follow fake activity
  • Added XFMG page view support
  • Added content watch fake activity with XFMG, XenAddons/UBS and Truonglv/Groups support
  • Confirmed XF 2.3 support
  • Improved trigger list display
  • Fixed displaying incorrect execution time
  • Fixed incorrect start / end time frame check
  • Fixed reaction fake activity ignores first thread post
2.0.3 Patch Level 1:
Fixed inability to uncheck "randomize" option
- Code refactor & cleanup
- Fixed "max(): Array must contain at least one element" error in public page view fake activity handler (if no existing user meets the trigger conditions)
- Added new fake activity: user reactions for new content (requires enabled news feed)
- More informative online threshold option explain
- Added separate ACP admin permission to manage fake activity ("manage users" permission was previously checked)
- Added trigger test run button & elapsed time information
- Added CLI command to disable triggers:
php cmd.php xf-rebuild:ozzmodz-ufa-trigger-disable
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Reactions: G Hart
- Added filter by username for public page view handler
- Fixed add-on install error (BLOB "options" column can't have a default value)
- Removed unused "refine search" menu
- Fixed "any" usergroups criteria does not work for public page view
- Fixed handler class caching
- Added more detailed trigger options descriptions
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Reactions: G Hart