I am wondering if you can take over the appify.mobi add-on

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Oh ok that’s just sad is any possible you can hire a developer that’s willing to do this add-on And other mobile code development!

i wanted this add-on back with support third party add-on
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Honestly, it's not in our ballpark. Mobile apps and the like are best left to app developers. At OzzModz we develop plugins and add-ons for use with xenforo. To venture into app development would be what's called "mission creep."
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That's a scary thought. But shoot, even a big dedicated company like Tapatalk doesn't cover all XF features or support popular (or any) add-ons in-app. I don't know anyone offering an xF app, who does. Matter of fact..
I wouldn't get into mobile app development. I'd rather get another developer to help with our current and new addons.