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[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
When will this be updated for 2.3.x?
Excited for 2.3 release as well; it's the last add-on to declare 2.3 support that I use.

Based on very quick and crude testing, I've only run into cosmetic issues in the admin portal.

The Export feature throws an error, but that errors out on 2.2.4 Beta 4 w/ XF 2.2.X as well.
For 2.2.4 Beta 4 on XF 2.2.X; I cannot seem to nail down a configuration that allows guests to fill out a form. The guest sees the form, but the following banner is displayed: "You are not allowed to submit this form.".

I have the following permissions for unregistered user group:

And the following configuration for the form:

Any thoughts on what I'm missing to allow a guest to fill out the form?
Apologies if this isn't the right place... the editor default text says to use the bug report form "below", but I don't see anything of the sort.

I'm attempting to upgrade from 1.0.0 to the latest beta on the latest XF 2.3. PHP 7.2.

First issue: some steps repeat endlessly, with no work to perform. I ended up changing "return []' to "return;", since other upgrade steps don't seem to return any value to advance.

Second issue:

You must validate your XenForo license to see code

Not sure how to fix this one...
In XF 2.3.2, I receive the following when trying attachments:

You must validate your XenForo license to see code

Summarzing other bugs in XF 2.3.X for others:
1) The Export feature throws an error, but that errors out on 2.2.4 Beta 6 w/ XF 2.2.X as well.
2) Various cosmetic issues in Admin portal (non-feature blocking) [Sort screen, button renderings, etc.]
3) I can't seem to make the form a form available to guest users.
Sent you latest add-on build in PM

And the following configuration for the form:

User criteria work based on AND logic
In your case the conflict is that it is guest required to be an authorized

The Export feature throws an error, but that errors out on 2.2.4 Beta 4 w/ XF 2.2.X as well.
Fixed it and sent the new build to you in PM

I get this when clicking approve on a form in Xenforo 2.3.2
Painbaker is there any possibility to update this addon to be compatible with XF 2.3 which was released two months ago?

very interresting Addon, but seems not work into xf 2.3.x
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