[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 8

No permission to buy ($40.00)
I'm finding the lack of overall documentation a little frustrating. I've been able through trial and error to create a form that for the most part meets my needs. I'm using the addon to create a review feature for my site users. They can review a product or service and leave feedback but I'm having one dumb issue I cannot resolve. They can choose to rate the product with one to five stars. I want it to render the star rating with an image. How do I set up the syntax to reflect a 3-star rating with an image of three stars?

There has to be a simple solution to this I'm missing.
Out of curiosity I was wondering if I would be able to create character sheets such as this https://mrgone.rocksolidshells.com/pdf/V20/V20_4-Page_Neonate_RevBorder.pdf to this type of advance forum which I would need for my site? I have asked this same question on the Main Xenforo.com forum but got no answer. So, I was thinking of Creating character sheets using this form you created, and having selction drop downs and the likes on it, similar to the link I posted here. Thank you.
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Well, I wasn't going to do it exactly like the PDF, but something similar to that.. am i able to do that and can i have each registered player have something viewable to use and to create the sheet so that they have access to that sheet, and also the GM end side they can edit the sheet any given time.. I am looking for something of this sort for my gaming purposes which is why I purchased this forum but i've read some of the comments here, and yes i agree with some its a tad bit confusing. I do have a coder who will be helping me with this.. hopefully he can figure it out... you're more than welcome to come check out my gaming site. https://www.bloodmoonrevolution.com and give me your thoughts and I designed it..
I have just installed "Tickets" by NixFifty, I was wondering if there would be a way to create tickets through forms created with this addon.

Currently i can't see any option in the Advanced Form 'report type' to post to a ticket or a specific URL (such as the ticket create URL).

Being able to use this form would be helpful do to the conditional logic around questions which Tickets doesn't have, i have asked the question over there too - https://nixfifty.com/threads/conditional-custom-ticket-fields.10408/ (please note at the time of posting this message that link is still waiting approval so might not work straight away).

I'm having trouble setting forms to navigation. Usergroup has permissions to see forms, forms and form types are set visible to all groups and logged user. But still nothing. Could the callback url have something to do with this or is there some deeper xenforo setting I'm missing.
Callback is like this: Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form :: showtab
Bug report for version: 2.0.27

Seem like when I'm copying a form the questions are not copied, or they are, but when I'm making the title with {Ax} it complains that questions are not defined when saving.
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The questions are not copied until you save the form.

Copy the form and save it. Then go back and edit the title for the report.
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I don't know what you mean by "setting forms to navigation". If you mean you're trying to set a custom tab or link directly to a form, you need to use the direct link provided in the form list in the admin area, not the callback.

If you just can't get the standard forms tab to show up, then I guarantee it's a permission or form setting problem somewhere.
I tried to have Forms as a word in the forum front page top navigation. I expected that it would build up the navigation to "Forms"->form types->forms automatically as I create the forms. Especially as form type has add to navigation checkbox.
"Forms" is the navigation part which has the callback defined and nothing under it

Screenshot_2020-06-25 Public navigation.png

I can of course make the navigation from scratch with Direct access URLs but I'm getting "no permissions" when accessing that url even if the user has permission to view forms and user criteria is set to: "User is logged in" and "User is a member of the any of the selected user groups:"

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That's what I did, it was just two step more than I expected.
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That tab appears automatically if you have all permissions set up properly in User group permissions, form type permissions and the forms themselves.

If that tab doesn't appear, then one or more of those permissions are not correct for the user viewing the page.
Also, if you have "Types" assigned to all of your forms, be sure the "This type is active" box is checked. If they aren't, then no forms would be available for users to fill out. Unchecking that box disables all forms in that type category.

And if you have types assigned, be sure "Show in navigation tab" is checked for the types.

And be sure your forms are active. Make sure "This form is active" is checked for each form.
OK, feeling a bit stupid now, I had checked the User is a member of the any of the selected user groups -checkbox but hadn't selected any of the groups in list. :oops:
Forms came up as expected. Thanks for your support.
A new question.
I'm trying to use this forms as input to forum node where user can't start new thread on answer to a thread to force a set of required fields.
And so far this is doable, all text inputs post to that node fine, but the attachments don't work. During filling the form it shows:

"You are not allowed to upload files to the forum selected for this form.
Please inform the site admin of this error."

Any way around this?