[OzzModz] Hide Moderated Notice From Users

[OzzModz] Hide Moderated Notice From Users 2.0.2

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Hi Ozzy47 ozzy47 ,

There is one more template that needs modified to completely hide it, thread_list_macros
Could you update to include this also?

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You must validate your XenForo license to see quoted content

I only found out about it when a member asked why their thread is pending. This is when I did the manual edits last year to just those two temlpates.
You must validate your XenForo license to see quoted content

I totally missed that one. Thanks!
Updated thanks! I could not locate this strikethrough. Was it only shown to the member?
Has something changed in 2.2x? Because before, they would only know that their post was not showing if they were viewing as a guest. Now it seems (because of the number of dup posts and a few saying their post just disappeared) that the posts awaiting moderation are disappearing while they are still logged in.

I never had this issue before when I wrapped the awaiting message in a conditional to only show to admins and mods.
Not long. from a few minutes to an hr. I'm going to test this again but as soon as you navigate to another page, then back to the thread you posted in, it's gone.
If that is happening, the addon wouldn’t have any control over that, it would be something from XF.
Probably. I'll test it without the add-on to be sure. thx
Let me know your findings. I’ll see if there are any adjustments to be made when I have some free time.