[OzzModz] Post Comments

[OzzModz] Post Comments 2.0.2 Patch Level 3

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This doesn't seem to work on XF 2.2.8 Patch 1. It installs without error, and I set permissions, but it just doesn't work. I'm using template UI.X Dark from Themehouse. Thanks!
It works on that version of XF, so it’s most likely a style issue. TH has a habit of removing/changing a lot of the templates and breakers other addons.
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I tried it, but it didn't worked....:eek:
My version is 2.2.9, and I am applying Shades of Grey - Template...o_O
Can you guess what the problem is?:eek:
It's my first time using xenforo.
I didn't know.o_O
Is there anything else I need to set up on the Administrator page?
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The style (skin) you are using is made by Themehouse and their themes cause compatibility issues with many plugin products because they replace entire xF templates with ones of their own.

So, see if this plugin works while you are using default xF skin, to confirm.
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I changed to the default template,
and reinstalled add-onso_O
But I can't find the word "comment" in the thread..T.T