Question for OzzModz Badge


New Member
Question for OzzModz Badge

when you use this addon. for example you give badge to a user
it will list on message macro
in example it will be below the reputation section *just example* red icons


i want this to be in list website /account/account-details in this page near to
Username : Roland (badges) red icons
is it possible?

It's possible only with custom template modification.

I can make you an addon in my spare time or you can make it yourself by enabling development mode (don't forget to turn it off)

Template: account_details
Find: {$xf.visitor.username}


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  • Template public:account_details: [E_USER_WARNING] Accessed unknown getter 'cached_featured_badges' on XF:User[1] (src\XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity.php:204)
  • Template public:account_details: [E_USER_WARNING] Accessed unknown getter 'cached_badges' on XF:User[1] (src\XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity.php:204)
Ozzy47 ozzy47
Is the add-on installed and enabled?
The error you sent means that the entity extension didn't applied for some reason
Made it for you as an add-on
Remove your template modification to avoid conflicts

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You would get different errors if it didn't exist
On account details:
  • Template public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros:badge is unknown (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:657)
On thread post view
  • Template public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros: [E_USER_WARNING] Method getFeaturedBadgesFromCache is not callable on the given object (SV\SearchImprovements\XF\Entity\User) (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:1186)
or if I disable that I get this
  • Template public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros: [E_USER_WARNING] Method getFeaturedBadgesFromCache is not callable on the given object (MMO\Hide\XF\Entity\User) (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:1186)
on profile:
  • Template public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros: [E_USER_WARNING] Method getFeaturedBadgesFromCache is not callable on the given object (MMO\Hide\XF\Entity\User) (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:1186)
  • Template public:eek:zzmodz_badges_featured_badges_macros: [E_USER_WARNING] Method getBadgesFromCache is not callable on the given object (MMO\Hide\XF\Entity\User) (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:1186)
totally strange
I got the same error if I installed the latest version RC1. So if I open a thread post view I got the same errors as above.
Then I tried your mentioned modification part and got there as well the same error that the marco badge is unknown.
Make sure you don't have any custom changes in your style for this template.
This macro is present in the latest add-on version.

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But it should work as well, if other addons did a template modification on that one. Checked and there is no other modification on that template.

I know that it is, I checked this before I've posted anything. In that template there are three macros located:
  1. featured_badges
  2. tier_label
  3. badge
But it looks like that it still not work. Also in a thread it do not work and do not show the badges, there I got the other messages as mentioned above.
I tried also to uninstall it, delete the content from the file system, uploaded and installed new, the same error, but I will try it again.