[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

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Conditional fields are on the wish list for the forms system. However there is no time frame for when they might be added.

The forms system uses XenForo's built in file upload routines. So, whatever you have set for image size limits in XenForo should be enforced when uploading in a form. Other than that, there are no plans to override XenForo's limits.
I have created a single selection dropdown and I think there is a bug with it.

Usually, on the frontend, when you select a dropdown, the list starts from top and you need to scroll down.

In the forms, when you want to select an option in the created dropdown list, it starts from the bottom. Is this expected?


Okay, I found the "bug". When the last choice ends with a comma, the explained behaviour above is happening. Removing the last comma from the choices, it defaults back to the normal behaviour. Not sure if this a bug, but for the record it is good to know.
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Actually I wouldn't call that a bug. I'd say that's PEBKAC. A list of items should never end with a comma. ;)

But, I'll make a note of it for future reference and possible correction. :)
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I'm a newbie, so forgive asking what may appear blatantly obvious to most - but is a conundrum, to me, LOL

I'm trying to set up my very first form and after filling it out to the best of my ability, I get the following popup/error:

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Can someone point out to me WHICH part of the form/tab section this is referring to? Please and thank you!
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It could be any one of these...

Success message
Email recipient list (Report Type tab)
Private conversation recipients (Report Type tab)
Return link (Redirect Options tab)

I've made a note to add a more specific error to those items.
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You know what i'm dumb lmfao, i just decided to Revert the changes and it works now i guess cause I originally couldn't see it due to not setting user group permissions i edited it to try to fix something that wasn't broken lol.

Thank you very much and I seriously love the Add-On.
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Well, before I found the problem, it seemed like a bug to me. Now after I found out it is the last comma, I wouldn't call that a bug either, that is why I put the word bug in quotation marks. Anyway, I still think it is unexpected behaviour, as wanting to put a last comma to mark the end of the last word shouldn't influence the output of the dropdown this drastically. But all good as it can be solved without an effort.
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Yeah, I was shocked also and had to test it here.

But since the dropdowns are driven by XenForo itself there's nothing I can do about it except to filter out the last comma if it exists. Which, I've already done for the next release.
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Sorry to bother you with my questions.
Is it possible not to have a "File(s) attached " answer, when a file upload answer type is used and something is attached?

I can't find a way to disable this, as I find it redundant. If something is attached, the attachment is already there, no need to place this line.

I found a workaround in deleting the phrase, I mean replacing the phrase with no text. But maybe there is a better way.
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No there isn't a way to disable that.

The reason is, if the form is sent by email (same form result is used in posts as email) there has to be some indication that it was answered. The attachments don't get sent by email, so if someone is reading the email they need to know the attachment is in the post.

However, if the file is always an image you could change the question so the image is displayed in the post and not as an attachment.
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Like the previous "Uncheck 'Include member name/IP address' in the Report Type tab. " you could add a checkbox to have it included or not, instead of defaulting. But this would be a suggestion I suppose.

I have a workaround, so all is good, no problem. And these files are real attachments, not images, mostly pdf. And I love that we can define our own output for the questions and answers. This one is the only exception but can be worked around as I said.
A request for the suggestions list.

Can you change the description for the questions from single text to multi-line text? 250 chars limit is not enough.
And also can you allow html for the descriptions, so we can use links.

A use case would be sth like this:
Link (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.youtube.com" target="_blank">Youtube</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://soundcloud.com/" target="_blank">Soundcloud</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://vimeo.com" target="_blank">Vimeo</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.facebook.com/" target="_blank">Facebook</a>)
Like when we want to link to examples from around the www.

2nd suggestion.
If the field is a required one, it would be nice if under the questions a "required" phrase would be placed, like this:
Hi Snog,
I'm getting an error message. This seems to happen when a user tries to post an emoji:

I fixed it :) I had to convert my database collation. All good :)
Another question. Can forms be set up to do math?

Field A = Number
Field B = Number
Field C (hidden field) = Field A * # + Field B * #
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For the description this still holds true...

In your case, one or two examples would probably be sufficient for what you're trying to show. Unless of course you really need a detailed description, then the 'Agreement' question type without a checkbox above or below the question could give detailed instructions for the previous or next question. In that case there is one thing I noticed about the 'Agreement' question type and that's the forced centering of the question. I've removed that in the next release to make it use the BB Code formatting the question itself can contain.

So far as the 'required' goes, that is in the next release.

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Great, thank you.

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Originally they were 8 links, I reduced them to 4. It is just when filling a form, it is nice to make it as easy as possible for the user and putting links costs a lot of characters.

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That could be a workaround, it just the whole agreement question type breaks the style of the form. If you plan on working on it, maybe align it with the other types, cause right now it uses a different background color, is across the whole screen and looks a bit odd placed. But ti is ok, I can also work around by decreasing my descriptions, I just thought it could be nice to have.

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Thank you very much. This one improves the experience.

Great support, thanks.
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Actually that's intentional because agreements can be rather long winded and look more out of place with the narrower area of the answer section. And it uses the same colors as the answer section of the form.

If you want to change it so it maintains the columns and looks somewhat like other questions change this portion of the snog_forms_form template...
<xf:if is="{$question.type} == 9">
    <dl class="formRow">
        <dt style="display:none;"></dt>
        <dd style="width:100%; border:none;text-align:center;">

To this...
<xf:if is="{$question.type} == 9">
    <dl class="formRow">
        <dt><div class="formRow-labelWrapper"></div></dt>

That will give you something like this...

I suggest using the template modification system for that and using the actual code from the template (there are tabs in there that need to be in the 'Find' section). I wouldn't edit the main template itself.
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Note that I edited the code in the first part of the last post. What was in there was code from the next version, not the current version.

Also, the next version will break that template modification so you'll need to do a different 'Find' for it...
<xf:if is="{$question.type} == 9">
    <dl class="formRow">
        <dt style="display:none;"></dt>
        <dd style="width:100%; border:none;">
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