[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
A couple of things. First, I bought this about a week ago, now instead of a download button at the top it asks me to purchase again for $25. Edit: nvm on this, I could download through my account.
Second, I think there is a bug. I have a form that is set to create a thread in a category upon completion. The category is set to not allow users to post new threads, because I want them to use the form. Everything works fine, except an add attachment box. That gives an error saying the user doesn’t have permission in the destination category. All of the other fields work fine, and if I enable users to post threads in the category the add attachment works fine. I don’t want users to be able to post random threads in the category, but I want them to be able to use attachments on the form. Suggestions?
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That isn't a bug, that is a restriction by XenForo itself. And there is a note about that on the question definition page (below the answer type selection)..
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If you don't want the user filling out the form to have those permissions, you'll need to create a 'Bot' user that has those permissions as described in the README.txt file for the PC Sender. And use that user as the "Poster user name" in the report options.
The number spinbox question type was not displaying "Required" when the question had an error defined for it.

I've uploaded a patch (patch 1) to the download server to correct that problem. Download the patch, upload the files to your server and upgrade to the patched version.
Hello Snog,

could we please get a little bit more control over the form output color options? Thing is that we have two templates. One is light and second is dark. If we set "Report question color" under "Misc Options" to a light one (to be OK in our dark stile) then it is not readable in our light style and vice-versa. Similar for other color options (or BB code for questions).

1529260174249.png 1529260196803.png

I guess the easiest thing to is to allow the color picker accept the "@xf-paletteColor4" -like definitions. Then it always calls the template-specific color.

Thank you in advance !
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The reason the option to use the style color definitions isn't enabled is because the colors are not always allowed in a BBCode. Any color with an Alpha (transparency) setting would not show properly using BBCode in a post. Alphas aren't allowed in BBCodes.

The way to do what you want is to use a color that shows in both styles. Or, don't use any color at all and just let the default text color to be used (this is the default for posts).
OK I got your point, thanks for explanation.

Anyway if anyone is interested bellow is work-around using custom BB code:

1] Create custom BB code
BB code tag: afcolorq
HTML replacement: <span class="afcolorq">{text}</span>

2] Define the .afcolorq class in extra.less template for each skin.
.afcolorq {
color: rgb(255, 255, 204);

3] Remove color definition from Form "Misc. Options". Then go to each Question and modify "Report format" to include the custom BB tag.

You might do the same for {answer}, so like "afcolora" BB code + class :]

It works just fine :]
1529361022820.png 1529361040278.png
I'd personally suggest a change in the forms, it might be just a personal thing but I think you might also agree with it.

So what I was thinking about was moving the Fields' Description block BEFORE the Editor/Answer field so that it's not unseen.
I apology for the simple picture, but this is what I meant:

@Sbenny , your post has been deleted.

The forms system does not have a css (less) file and it will remain that way. The inputs use the same formatting as XenForo itself for consistency across the entire XenForo site. If you want to change something like that, you are free to do so. But, I won't change the look of the inputs simply because the screens would then be inconsistent with all of the other XenForo inputs.
Hi Snog:

When trying to export forms, I receive the following error:

ErrorException: [E_WARNING] SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference t=30523615]this announcement[/URL] before completing this application. in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Admin/Controller/Export.php at line 93
SimpleXMLElement->addChild() in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Admin/Controller/Export.php at line 93
Snog\Forms\Admin\Controller\Export->_createExportXml() in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Admin/Controller/Export.php at line 16
Snog\Forms\Admin\Controller\Export->actionIndex() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 249
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 88
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 41
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 1931
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 328
XF::runApp() in admin.php at line 13

It comes from one of my forms that has the "Show above form" option set to contain the following:
Rich (BB code):
Ensure you have thoroughly read through this announcement before completing this application.
Obviously, removing the BBCode solves it - but I wonder if this is a bug you could fix?
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Sorry, no there isn't.

The message in the email is the same one as in the thread and it's composed before the email is sent and before the thread is created. To add it would take a bit of re-arranging and tests as to what type of thread it was being posted in (new, second, or existing).

The best thing to do is to watch the forum the thread is being created in and you'll receive notices that way.