[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
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No, that's not possible. That format is for that question only. You can't move answers from other questions into the format for another question.
@Snog ,

tried to set up a form for unregistered users (here: press people) that becomes reported via PC to the admin account. The form does include an required attachement (press identity card).

User privileges are set to:
XF usergroup unregistered: "Can see forms" - YES
and in Advanced Forms privileges in forms and types are set to "Is member of any of these groups" -> unregistered + registered usergroup. Nothing more is set for privileges, since I guess the logic would expect them all to be fullfilled.

Unfortunal, no unregistered guest can see the form and they are prompted to log in instead. Am I doing something wrong?
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Since you addressed me directly, I'll answer this. But all further questions should be asked to Ozzy because I am no longer in control of the add-ons.

If unregistered users are being prompted to log in, then the user criteria for either the Type or Form is different. Usually it's the Type, but can also be the form. Such as you may THINK you've have unregistered users selected, but in reality you may only have registered users selected in the Type. Or you have have additional criteria selected in one of them, such as having the "User is logged in" box checked.

User criteria isn't something the Forms system has control over. XenForo itself returns a TRUE or FALSE for the criteria selected and the proper action is taken from what is returned from XenForo. A user must match all of the criteria selected in the Type and Form for XenForo to return the TRUE value.
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Just read your retirement notice. Wow - how could I miss that?! Anyway, thanks for responding and have a great time on the bars & beaches ;)
I´ve already double and triple checked all the settings you mentionend before. May be @Ozzy47 can gimme a helping hand here.

Snog, it´s been a great ride with your addons so far. I´m really kinda shocked to see you leaving, even when all your reasons are quite legit and I wish you all the best. Let me say it with Douglas Adams: "So long and thanks for all the fish " ;)
Thanks :)

The only thing I can say for certain is the criteria system has worked flawlessly for ages now. And the only exception for that was when a file upload was required and that was fixed in the last release.

So, again I would have to say there is something wrong with permissions at some level. ANY time I've gone onto a users site to check the form settings for something like this, it's always been something was different between the TYPE and FORM permissions. Or, the user group didn't have proper permissions to post the form in the destination forum.

But since the unregistered user can't see the form and they are being prompted to log in, then it points to the criteria being different in some way.
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Found the issue. The reason is, that Advanced Forms only works for unregistered users with the general permissions "View" and "View node". That works perferct for normal forums - unfortunal, with our special situation (we´re an invite-only site), it won´t. @Ozzy47 , is there any chance to bypass that restriction in our case?
Again, I'll answer that.

Change "View" to "Yes" and leave "View node" set to no. That will allow forms to be viewed.

In essence you've forbidden everyone from viewing the site at all by setting "View" to no. And XenForo itself is rejecting any attempt to view anything because of that.

The forms add-on does not bypass the master XenForo permissions at all and it is XenForo itself that is preventing access to anything because "View" is set to no.
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Heck, seems your favorite bar or beach has free WiFi for pensioners ;)
Aleady tested that setting and it only works, when both are set. Can´t understand the logic how this is working, but without "View node" it tells the unregistered folks again, there would be no form matching their privileges. With "View node" it works.
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Oh, I'm still around. I'm only replying because you originally asked me the question. :D

I've just tested it with "View" set to Yes and "View node" set to No and it works for me as an unregistered user. I would have to see your entire forms system and user group settings to be able to locate the problem.

EDIT: See the PC I started with you.
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Damnit. I hate it, when I have t admit that others where right all the time: it doesn´t need "View node" and already is working with "View". This hasn´t been double checked and promptly I´ve bought it :rolleyes: Sorry, Snog, my fault!

So to specify: is there any chance to bypass the General settings -> "View" with a form, @Ozzy47 (Snog, you´re set on pause this round ;)) ?
Bug report for version: 2.0.23

when i was setting up the forms i got like 6 error when going on the website trying to fill out the application

Full error trace:
Error: Call to a member function getUsablePrefixes() on null in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php at line 146
Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form->actionSelect() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 321
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 248
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 100
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 50
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2177
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 390
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20

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Did you happen to install the sample forms, or was this a form you created yourself? Also to be safe, I would download the files again and re-upload them to your server.
Question that's probably been asked multiple times.
Used previous version for XF1. XF2 Version full cost or upgrade discount?