[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Purchased :)

Question, is it possible that a user can only complete/submit 1 form as I don't want them to keep making loads?

Scratch that, found it
Instead. I need Multiple Choice (Checkboxes) answers to show in the title thread however it's not "Question numbers in RED may be used in report title creation." therefore it won't allow it.
Is there anyway that would be possible?
There are only two times that error might happen.
1) When the sample forms are installed and not edited.
2) When an admin deletes a forum where a form is to be posted.

Can you export your current forms and send them to me in a PC? You can do that from the ACP from the addon in the sidebar dropdown menu.
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Important the forums and I changed a few things to make it work but now I don’t know how to look at the application or forums when someone fills it out
What are you expecting to happen after the user submits the application?

Approvals in the forms system only apply to user group additions/promotions.
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I'm trying to download the latest version of this addon in my addons list...

Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.xhttps://www.rdforum.org/Jul 20, 2019

...seen here above and I keep getting this error:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
File does not exist

I didn't think that future updates were something that expired but I could be wrong. Any ideas on all of this?

I am just not having much luck using some of the functions here on your site today, lol.