[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
i hope, someone can help me by using "reg expressions"
I would like to limit the answer in a "single line" answer to max. 25 characters.
The user can add everything he wont to post, but even not more than 25 signs.

I tryed this code:
but i doesn't work.

Peple doing thread form it keep to create multiple threads sometimes, it can be fixed by adding a "cooldown" before doing another request?
1. Regarding "Minimum attachments" in version 2.1.0, how does one keep the attachment field optional in a form (one may but doesn't have to attach a file to a form)?

2. Forms with attachments fail to submit when using PHP 8.0.