[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
No problem, I was surprised I never encountered this thing. Yeah, it needs a prevention mechanism to not send the same submission many times.

I think in most cases the redirect is almost immediate that one never has the chance to spam the button. But malachiel's site is maybe like 0.3s slower in responding, so in his case his users might hit the button again because the redirect is not immediate as one would expect as there is a very small delay.
I must be totally missing it, but how do I require a question to be answered? And for the Agreement is there supposed to be a checkbox because I'm not seeing one.

UPDATE: Disregard. I found the answer. Thanks.
Bug report for version: 2.1.1

I'm not sure if this is a bug exactly, your addon and it's generating a few errors in the log. I'm running the latest version of Xenforo too. Here are the error messages being reported.

Full error trace:
Could not find class Snog\Forms\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread when attempting to extend XF\Pub\Controller\Thread
Yesterday at 8:12 PM src/XF/Extension.php:174
Template public:member_view error: Could not find class Snog\Forms\XF\Entity\Forum when attempting to extend XF\Entity\Forum
Yesterday at 6:07 PM src/XF/Extension.php:174
Could not find class Snog\Forms\XF\Entity\Forum when attempting to extend XF\Entity\Forum
Yesterday at 5:31 PM src/XF/Extension.php:174
As there are no other reports of this, and there are no XF errors, I’d say the addon in not the cause of the errors.
Hi there,

Thank you for your awesome addons.

I have bought Advanced Forms and it works perfectly. I have 1 issue, I could not re-order questions!

Image 31.png

I can not drag questions!

Best Regards,
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No, this does not replace the registration form, but there is a suggestion about that.

In any case, what you would need to do is to use custom user fields. They can be displaced in the registration form and also be required if you need it. That will be basically what you need. It turns the registration form into your custom registration form.
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Thanks for reply. Basically as my forum is invitation only, I would like to have form created where user will have to fill a form in order to receive an invitation code to join. I was thinking maybe with this addon I can achieve this .
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If you set up your permissions correctly, you can still achieve this.

Registered usergroup is the default for everyone. Revoke every kind of permission for this group. So, when a user registers on your site, he won#t be able to do anything, see anything.

He will just see your custom form created by this addon. And after filling the form out, you can then decide to promote him to a usergroup which then puts him to a group what the basic user can do normally.
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Mm, thanks. That's an option. The thing i also have refferal system by Siropu which somehow i would like to combine this 2 addons. And thinking the best way of achieving this.