[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
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That can't happen. It's not an option in the add-on.

If you fill out the form in the normal way, does it get posted in the thread?
I can't see the form anywhere if I set it to appear as post into a thread, while it works great if I set it to appear as new thread.
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Ok, this is where you're confusing me. You cay you can't see the form anywhere.

Do you mean you can't see a way to fill out the form, or you don't see the form posted anywhere after you've filled it out?

What do you see when you click on the Forms navigation tab?

I think it might be best if you temporarily give me full admin access to your site. Please send a temporary admin user name and password, along with the URL to your site by PC. This way I can see what you're seeing and possibly debug or correct it.
I'll try to explain it better:

Example n°1:

I set a Thread Form: it works, I see the button at the top-right of a forum node which let people fill a form which results in a submitted thread.

Example n°2:

I set a Post Form: I select the Thread ID in which I want this post form to appear, but when I visit this thread, I can't find where this form can be filled. I looked in Quick-Reply, I looked in the "Reply" page of that thread, I looked after the first post of that thread (the author's post) to see if there's something related to fields, but I wasn't able to find it, hence I came up with the statement that post form isn't working for some reasons.

Hope it's clear now.
Is it possible, if a user doesn't meet the criteria, to NOT replace the Post Thread button with the Form button? It seems if a user doesn't meet the criteria, the form doesn't open, but the user still can't start a new thread because he'll still see the Form Button link, and not the Thread creation link in the button.

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This is the problem. You're confusing "Report in existing thread" and "Post thread button to form" and thinking they work similarly when they don't.

Setting a form to post in an existing thread does not show the form in the thread (and it never has). The form itself would be available under the Forms navigation tab (if you meet the criteria for the form, and you have selected 'Form is active' for the form) and when it's filled out, the form would be posted in the existing thread.

The system is working as intended in this case.

However, the next release will allow for substituting a form in place of the quick reply box in a thread.

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The whole point of using the "Post thread button to form" in a forum is so all threads have a given format with the same information. Allowing a user to post a differently formatted thread would defeat that purpose.


It really sounds like you need to separate your forms and just make them available for people to fill out. Then when they do that, the thread would be posted where you want it, or in the existing thread if you wanted that.
I bought advanced forms addon for XF2 and did set everything up including permission but I cant find button to approve a application ! Where can I find that?
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They are links in the moderation area for the post...


Be sure you have the "Can approve/deny submitted forms" permission set for your user or user group.

Also be sure you have "Include decision links" checked in the Promotion options for the form.
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Thank you, this clarifies everything. I got now what you mean, thanks. Hopefully the next release will help me about replacing the Quick Reply button when I set up a thread to be replied only using a form, thanks!

Also, the reason I was talking about the criteria was that people not following the criteria, would still be able to see the Post Thread button linking to the form instead of the standard thread creation link, and then receive an error, so I was asking if it would be possible to still let them use the standard thread creation (as some staff members would like to customize the field colors and add a few more bbcodes than the standard fields I provide for all users. I understand your point of view saying if users don't follow the fields then it could be counter productive to let them post a standard thread instead, but as you can see my special need is an exception.

Thank you again and congrats for the awesome add-ons you created. I'm still new to XenForo but I hope to master it soon.
The approve/deny links won't show up if you just set the options. The options had to be checked when the form was first filled out.

Try filling out the form again and see if the links are there.
I hope next version will have polls votes visible by default, or a setting to do this, as it would help a lot, thanks!
Sorry for the double post, would it also be possible to make the polls never expiring unless the thread gets closed?
HI Snog,

a few presale questions:
  • can I set the form to open when clicking the New Thread button?
  • possible to to add values from form to thread title after creating it? (I would like to have valus from date field and a few others to get inserted in the thread title automatically after form is submitted)
  • can I add some default text to the end of the submited form after it's created? (that way all threads created by specific form will have the same text at the end of the post after creation and users can't edit it)

Thank you,
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Yes to all of those except the last one. You can't add anything at the end of the post itself.

And in order for someone to not be able to edit the form that's posted, you would have to assign a "bot" user to post the form. Otherwise, normal XenForo user post editing permissions would apply.
Thank you. For the last question, maybe I've written it wrong. Users can edit own posts, no problem with that, but can I add some text at the end of their post after submitting the form? I'd like to add some additional information in the post for all users to see after form submission.
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I understood what you wanted after I re-read your original post. ;)

There's nothing in the forms system that would allow you to automatically add something at the end of the post when the form is submitted. Sorry!