[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
When I click on the button in thread list to open the form.

I'm using this for years now, and I haven't changed anything before the last update.
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Well, it sounds like the user you are testing with doesn't meet the criteria for that form you are trying to open.

If that form is saved under a type, the user must meet both criterias for type and form. If it is just a form, then it must meet form criteria.

Maybe the user you tried to access with is not in the correct usergroup anymore and the criteria is to be in that usergroup.

In any case, check in ACP the criteria settings for type and form and then check the user if it meets it.
Yes, I'm going through permissions now. I's just strange, because I haven't changed anything here for a few years now. I've tried with administrator (superuser), moderator and regular user account. No permission for any of them.
Not sure from which version you updated it. Maybe if you were on a very old version, somehow a bug caused to reset the stuff. But you would be the first person to report this, if that is the case.

Otherwise, it is hard to say something specific without seeing the criteria. Maybe years ago you set the criteria that the people must be in usergroup x. And recently you deleted that usergroup perhaps. Now you would think you didn't change anything recently, but in reality you forgot that the criteria relies on that and now it doesn't work anymore. This is one example of how people get tricked in XF when they think "I didn't change anything in the addon".
Ah, I need a break I guess. I haven't checked the most obvious thing - user group permissions. I was just checking the Advanced Forums settings to meet the criteria.

Anyway, not sure, but I guess user group permissions were set back to default value. Even the admin account had no permission. Now everything is fine.

Thank you for your time o point my mind to the right direction, @sbj.
Is it possible to have an advanced form that needs to be filed in before a product is purchased ? Or like a purchase to the need to have an advanced from filled in ?
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There is a way to do a similar thing, but there is no criteria "has to fill in a form".

What you could do is to set up a usergroup "purchase". And only allow that usergroup to purchase. And with this addon you can promote people after form submission to different usergroups, see Promotion options 5.5 in the documentation: https://snogssite.com/threads/advanced-forms-documentation.3677/#message-anchor-55

So once user submits a form, he is promoted instantly, or by poll decision, or by admin decision to that "purchase" usergroup. Then the person can proceed to purchase.

Obviously this product needs to be in the XF system. If you have a wordpress thing going on (like WooCommerce) or other 3rd party systems, then you have to have that customly integrated with XF of course to make use of usergroups. There are some Wordpress addons, maybe they can do that. But this is definitely out of scope of this addon.
No Wordpress - all XF2.2

Thats a good idea - however I need to have some way of knowing the purchase went through (ie paid) and is associated with this userS form.....
Well if a purchase went through or not has nothing to do with this addon. Whatever purchase system is used should be the party giving that info.

Having the form associated would be a custom request to this addon.

The next best thing this addon can do is to send out an "approved private conversation" after a form was submitted and you approved it. Since someone had to approve the form, it means that person is eligible to purchase. Now as a private conversation you'd have that relation. If the user went ahead and purchased or not, this addon has no knowledge of it as explained. How would it? This is not a classifieds or market addon.
We just noticed that the username is not populating on the email report. We're a few versions behind on 2.2.0 beta 5 - was this fixed with the conversations in beta 17, or is it an as yet unknown issue?
It may be fixed. Best option is to upgrade to the latest version and see if you can replicate it..
I'm not sure if this is something that is possible, but I am looking to create statistics from submitted forms. One of the questions that we have, is "How did you hear about us?" - and I am curious if there is a way without going through individual submissions to count responses, to gather statistics, or generate reports that are able to pull that data for me. Is this something that is possible?
Not without custom development. You can also have answers saved to the database and get information that way if you know how to work out SQL. The only stats you can find openly is how often a form was submitted (if you opt in for that).
Conditional Question#3, #4 and answers of both questions are not printed on post after submitting form, If i change Condition to QID: 134 for Question#3 and #4 then its working fine.


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im having issues with making it work the way it should, i guess is the way to put it.

I want to use this for applications where after they are approved then we can add a tag that will carry over to discord (I have Discord Intrg)

How do i put the form into a forum? so if they click forum title that says, Whitelisting Application, it will come up to the whitelisting form?
Once say 10 users have done their forms and been upgraded to a new usergroup
Is there a way to download all the 10 forms ? Or see them all ? ie all the answers etc
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Not sure what you mean.

Each form needs to have report, which means each filled form is noted somewhere. If chose it as a private conversation, then the submission will be send as a private conversation. Or most of us use it to have the forms be reported as threads, so each submissions creates a new thread. Or as a post. So in all cases you can see them all, depends on your settings where the submissions go. Downloading them is not possible. You can always take a screenshot of your screen course.