[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Couple of bugs with the new version, I think :(

If you have a question with a default answer and no description, the default answer is shown on the form as the description, like:
Also the XF directory in the direct access URL is duplicated, like for mine it's: https://www.*******.com/community/community/form/feedback.4/select
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Sorry about that. Both were items from testing that I forgot to remove.

I've uploaded a patch to the download server. Download and install the patched version.
@Snog When trying to add multiple PC Recipients, this error occurs:
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Thanks for the report. I'll fix this in the next release.

For now, you can stop the error by removing the space between the comma and Wolfsmite.
Hello. in you readme file you wrote:

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However, I can't find this link in options or anywhere else in admin. I have set permission all to yes.
It should be on the main admin menu AND at or near the bottom of the left admin menu...



If it's not in either place you don't have the admin permissions set. In the admin area go to Groups & permissions->Administrators and check the "Manage Forms" box for your user.
The problem was that I was not set as super administrator. In order to change this in Xenforo 2 you need to change table xf_admin in your database to set yourself as super administrator. Thanks.
@Snog Can you add a question type to select a prefix that will be applied on form submission in a thread. It would be really useful for a support ticket type of form.
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While this is already on the wish list, you can already do something similar by using a single selection dropdown question type and then using the answer in the Report title.
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Thanks for the report. I'll correct that in the next release.

However, the navigation tab will only be selected when showing the list of forms available. It won't be selected when filling out a form because a form can be shown from anywhere on the site.
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Meta descriptions are for search engines. Forms should not be being indexed by search engines so there's no need for them.

EDIT: Actually I neglected to put the noindex, nofollow meta info in the forms templates. This will be corrected in the next release.
Can I format the outcome of the forms?
I remember in xf1 version I couldn't do that, which was offputting. Did that change?

For example I don't want the questions in bold bbcode, I want the answers in bold. And the answers below the questions, not next to them. Can we use also INDENT bbcode for formatting?

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Questions are always bold. Answers are not.

The position of the answers has always been an option for each question in both the XF 1 and XF 2 versions.
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Any chance of not having the questions in bold? It is distracting, makes the eyes focus on the questions rather than the answers.

And I remember having an option like "1 or 2 lines below or something", but we can't format by ourselves how we want it, right? So also no indents for answers?
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I'll look into formatting questions for version 2, but I don't anticipate that being added to the current version.

No, you can't format the answers on your own. They are fixed choices for the questions/answers.

The reason for that is there is only so much that can be done when posting the form. So, I have to limit what can or can't be done with them. I will look into a few more options, but they will be limited to the BB code choices and the space available in a post.
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I understand that it can be a huge task to make formatting configurable.
But this is xf2 version, which should have come with enhancements. I am not expecting huge changes, but for real, it is really distracting when the questions are in bold and there is no way in changing that. When I skim the test questions, the answers are hard to catch, cause of (possible huge long) questions in bold, whereas the answers are not bold and are far right next to the questions and very likely 1 word answer.
They disappear. It is very reader-unfriendly.
And as far as I know indents are bbcode, at least it is in xf.

Example of how it would look better

Your Name Vile_Moon

Birthday 10/24/1986
Location The Moon

Are you female? No

Do you know any of our current staff members? Yes​
If Yes, please tell us the their names. Jim, Joe, & Henry​

What is your favorite forum software? XenForo

Please select any languages you speak fluently. English

Your Name


The Moon

Are you female?

Do you know any of our current staff members?
If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Jim, Joe, & Henry

What is your favorite forum software?

Please select any languages you speak fluently.

I think the 2nd one provides easier and quicker the information wanted.
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I understood what you were saying.

And there's nothing that says the XF2 version of an add-on has to have enhancements. So while I could have just done a direct compatible update for the XF2 version, the XF2 version did come with quite a few enhancements/changes when it was released....
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Plus these after release...
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Unfortunately what you want was not one of them.
I'm happy to have enhancements, thank you for that, sure you could have done no enhancements.
Just, I really don't get why you hardcoded the output of the forms. I still could understand if there was no way to put indents or new line breaks or something, but why are the questions bolded? Because you say so? That is really bad practice. Anyway, it seems you already have understood me, so no need to repeat the same thing over and over again. I just hope you can understand why it can be frustrating for us.
Thank you and I'll be waiting for new versions then.