[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo

[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo [Paid] 2.2.0 Beta 2

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hi im having issues getting images to display, i havent got an api yet so been using the (Add new custom album) options and uploading my own images, ive tried jpg and png images, they upload ok but they display blank empty box, on forum view and on the post itself.

any idea how to fix?
can this be fixed?

no image.png
L littlebigdunc Link to site so it can be investigated - I've added albums, and they are showing OK. Also, are you on the latest version?
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Hi i have found the issue now, im not sure how to fix it though, the images are saving as extention : File
i have manually renamed one to .jpg and edited the post to add the jpg extention .

image save.pngsaving no extention.png
OK, what I would suggest is that you check that you have the latest version installed (as shown in the screenshot below), go to your ACP/Add-ons/ and rebuild the add-on and see if that solves the issue.

Hello, I am currently running 2.2.0 beta 2 and XF v2.2.16. I noticed that my PHP version is 8.0.30 instead of the recommended 8.2. I'm not sure if this is causing any issues, I have also tried to rebuild with no success.

edit just updated PHP and no difference.
the images are just saveing with no extention
OK, one last thing to check before I would suggest raising a support ticket via DM. Check in options/attachments and be sure that jpg is listed there. I would also speak to your host to see if there is a server issue.

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hi yes all listed , ive got many plugins installed on site tv/movies/games etc all working ok just issues with this one on the latest versions
L littlebigdunc I would raise this via DM with both Ozzy47 Ozzy47 and Painbaker Painbaker to see if they have an idea as to what it may be. It appears that you have done all the checks to see if it was a XF issue in terms of settings etc. Good luck :)
Painbaker Painbaker Ozzy47 Ozzy47 attempting to add a custom album and getting this error showing up (added an album before with no errors, so something must be amiss here) ideas?

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