[OzzModz] Verification Badges

[OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid] 2.0.2

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Painbaker Painbaker Ozzy47 ozzy47
Can I contribute fund for an update to this addon where I can use some variables on different XF templates.
For example, I like to be able to highlight resource reviews by users who have the Verification badges.
Modify resource_reviews template and wrap it around <xf:if is="$ozzmodz_verification_badges_received_badge_ids == '1'"> then add some html for those reviews by verified members.
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Will be fixed in the upcoming update

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You can use this method for your condition:
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Appreciate it.
Going through it now, I'm playing with the xfrm_resource_review_macros template now, trying to put it something simple like
<xf:if is="$user.hasOzzModzVerificationBadge(1)">
Show something.

I put {{ dump(vars()) }} in that template but it doesn't seem to show anything similar to the method you mentioned.
Thank you
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There is no $user variable in this template macros

Try this:

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We are almost there. Can you show me where to put the conditional in that template so it only affects reviews by verified members?
The way I put it right now, it will hide all reviews except those with verified badges.

I like to show all reviews, and those by verified members, it has an extra text "Show something" to highlight.
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The following condition works for me but not sure if it's the best when we have different verified badges
<xf:if is="$review.User.ozzmodz_vb_badge_ids">
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The example you sent should not hide other reviews
Perhaps you wrapped something unnecessary in the condition?
Getting a ton of errors after the latest update and members without a verification bage are getting this when visiting the site
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Error Log has a ton of these errors
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Painbaker Painbaker Ozzy47 ozzy47
Installed XF 2.2.15 today and found these errors. I think it's related to this addon
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Doesn't look like it
The add-on appears in the stacktrace only because it also extends one from these classes (Templater::fnUsernameLink), but it's not related to your errors
Thanks for checking it out. Should I report to XF dev or I need to figure out which addon caused this first?
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Yes, you should probably report to XF devs.

But i don't have SV\SignupAbuseBlocking add-on and I can't say if it could be the cause

TickTackk\ChangeContentOwner shouldn't cause such errors.