[OzzModz] Verification Badges

[OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid] 2.0.2

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Painbaker Painbaker Ozzy47 Ozzy47
Just want to report this to see if this a bug or not.

I have both this addon and the other Badges addon. Only the Badges addon show up in user criteria when creating a Notice.
The Verification Badge addon does not show up under user criteria for Notice.

When I search users, both addons show up as part of the search criteria.
Here is the picture under User Criteria when creating Notice. Only the conditions for the Badges addon show up.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 10.57.16 PM.png
Recently installed the addon. I received an error.

Please select at lease one criteria for auto issuance. I'm not seeing an example of how to do this. What is this for? How can i set criteria for users to be automatically added or given a badge?

Or do they have to request a badge every time?
Hi, I am trying to change the background of the badge, something similar to the image, it is not possible. thank you

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-27 231016.png
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Hi, thank you for your prompt response. solved