[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

No permission to buy ($40.00)
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Sorry, I do not customize my add-ons. I've done it in the past and won't any more because it becomes a pain in the butt updating multiple versions of the same add-on.
Getting this when trying to update.

To prevent potential issues, please resolve the following warnings before continuing:
  • This add-on contains the following files which have unexpected contents: src/addons/Snog/Forms/_data/help_pages.xml, src/addons/Snog/Forms/_data/phrases.xml, src/addons/Snog/Forms/_data/templates.xml.

Is it ok to proceed?
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Unzip and upload the files again. It looks like all of the new files were not completely uploaded to your server.
I'm not sure your last update fixed the watched thread issue. The thread is now marked as Watched, but no emails are being sent when someone replies, unlike what happens when you start a thread the 'standard' way.
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It depends on the user's watch preferences. XenForo either sends an email or just a notice based on the user preferences. And since it is a thread, that is a function of XenForo itself, not something controlled by the forms system.


However, I will double check it to be sure it's being set. And if it isn't, I'll put a patch on the download server tomorrow.

But I have to ask, are you getting notices in the forum and just not the email, or no notice at all?
I disabled notices on the forum, so by default I only get emails when someone replies. Only alerts I left on the forum are for mentions and quotes. I will also double check on my side!
Thank you
I also noticed that youtube videos are not getting automatically embeded and usernames mentions are not working.

I set up a form with 2 single line text fields:

One has to be manually filled with a username (example, they type "Snog") and in the form settings, I specified that the answer will have the "@" symbol before, so once they post it, it becomes: @Snog and it works, but the mention isn't parsed as url and is left as blank text, so there is no real mention.

The other has to be filled with a youtube video url. Normally, when you place a youtube url on xenforo (without any bbcodes), it gets automatically converted to a media embeded youtube video, while this doesn't seem to happen using Snog Forms.

I also had another issue with a field which had to be filled with a forum link, which, once posted wasn't automatically parsed as url, but I fixed it on the backend by setting the url bbcode in the answer box, similarly to the mention @ symbol.

I would also like to specify that all this doesn't seem to happen with all the users, but only with some of them.

Hope it helps somehow. Thank you.


I just noticed "Parse URL" wasn't checked, so I just enabled it, altough I'm not sure if it's gonna solve the youtube and mention issues. Thanks.
Ok, I confirmed the system was only setting the no email notice flag and corrected that. A patched version is on the download server now. Download the add-on and upgrade to the patch.
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Yes, setting that should fix the problems you described.

I should probably figure out a new title for the setting "Parse URL" since it is a bit deceiving. That enables and disables the parsing of everything in the entire message in XF2.
I pasted this Regex:


but I also tried this one:


But I think none of them worked, I'm trying to have people write at least 20 words, I also set already the regex error, but it never shows.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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You were close, this will detect the word count after the 5th word (6th word causes a match) on a single line...

This will detect words on more than one line (preferred even for single line)...


Change 5 to whatever number you like.

Use regex101.com to test your regular expressions.
No problem.

FYI - If you enter a number after the , that will require the user input to be between 5 and that number. If it's greater than that number, the error will be thrown.

IE: This requires the number of words to be between 5 and 7 (less than 5 and 8 or more will throw the error)..
  • LogicException: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors. (First error: You cannot start a conversation with yourself.)
  • src/XF/Service/ValidateAndSavableTrait.php:34

Stack trace

#0 src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php(1150): XF\Service\Conversation\Creator->save()
#1 src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php(808): Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form->sendPC('yeehaw partner ...', 'User name:[/...', Object(XF\Entity\User), 'v-x-let,', false, false, '')
#2 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(249): Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form->actionSubmit(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#3 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(88): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('Snog\\Forms:Form', 'Submit', 'json', Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag), 'snog_forms_navt...', Object(Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form), NULL)
#4 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(41): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#5 src/XF/App.php(1931): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#6 src/XF.php(328): XF\App->run()
#7 index.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#8 {main}
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That error is self explanatory. You have the PC Sender set to the same user that is receiving the form...



So far as your question in the post I deleted from the XF 1.x version, the "bold" section is a "None - This is a header phrase" question type.

I downloaded this a bit ago and have been trying my best to sort out why its not working. I have done everything from reinstalling to even switching to a different server environment (windows server 2012 R2 & Ubuntu 16.04 x64). When I setup the form I have followed all instructions but sadly each link it generates returns a 404 not found.

Not Found
The requested URL /forums/index.php was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at www.bwrp.online Port 80

The link it generates looks something like this: http://website.online/forums/index.php?form/application.2/select

If you could have some insight or suggestions on how to fix this that would be wonderful thank you!
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URLs are generated by XenForo itself, not by the forms add-on. And that is a correct URL when friendly URLs are not enabled in XenForo. And if you go to yoursite.com/forums/index.php you would most likely receive the same error.

If index.php (which is a XenForo file, not something added by this add-on) can't be found, you need to ask for support at the XenForo site.
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Thank you for the response! I ended up realizing that it was an issue with how I configured some of the basic options of XenForo. My apologies.

Regardless, after sorting that issue out, I've now run into the issue of the form itself not popping up. When setting up the permissions to include myself, all groups, and all users to be able to view the sample form provided with the install, it redirects back to the main home page. I would like to note that the form page also returns the error 'You do not meet the criteria for any forms. No forms are available for you. '.

Any insight, and is there anything I could be missing in terms of my setup?