[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.6 Beta 7

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Can't say what the problem is without seeing it.

Maybe some permission issue, maybe some criteria issue, I don't know.
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So I got it working.

Under my form
Report Type - > Thread report option - > Thread Prefix

I changed this to "none" and now the prefix is attached automatically by the settings under the Node. Before I had it set to my actual prefix.

Not sure if this is a bug or if that is how it's intended to work.
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Is there any way I can download an older update? I want to update to 2.1.2, but not to any of the beta versions as to not potentially break anything on my forum.
@ozzy47 How can I change the numbers of the questions?
I'm trying to use "Titulo del tema" as the thread title so I've set up the report title to be {A11} (the question ID) /admin.php?form-questions/11/edit but the addon returns an error saying "Question answer 11 does not exist and can't be used in the Report title" so the only number I can write is 1 which is accepted by the addon:

What are your thoughts?
@todo10 these questions was inserted from "default questions"?
If you add new question manually it will automatically have last question + 1 position ID.
You can use "sort" button to re-order them.
Hello and good Morning,

since the last update to 2.2.0 Beta 2 all outputs appear in a double way. I dont change anything in config.
Please see the screenshot of the form output.
Any ideas or solutions?

If not: Can I get a previous version as well per mail?

Thanks for this great addon.



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Ok, found the source of the error.
If you choose question and answer colours under MISK config, all questions and answers appear two times. After deleting this option all works fine with the exception, that it is not possible to change the color of the font.
Bug report for version: 2.2.0


I'm trying to set "Titulo del tema" as the thread title so I've set up the report title to be {A11} (the question ID) /admin.php?form-questions/11/edit but the addon returns an error saying "Question answer 11 does not exist and can't be used in the Report title" so the only number I can write is 1 which is accepted by the addon:

HOWEVER, the thread title displayed is the answer to question ID 19 (admin.php?form-questions/19/edit) so I'm totally confused.
@todo10 you should specify the question position ID for this form, not the DB primary key that used in URLs.


In your case they all have a same position ID, seems because you inserted the default questions (I don't know if this is a mistake or the author's idea ). So you need to change them through sorting tool (order button on questions page).