[OzzModz] Login Spaminator

[OzzModz] Login Spaminator [Paid] 2.3.0 Patch Level 2

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Feature Request:
Additional column called "Actions" with a dropdown of actions for each entry you can perform, based on the data. Like "Reset password" (of that user), "Ban user", "Block IP" (afaik there's a built-in funtion in XF) or maybe even an own, configurable action, like "Block IP in firewall" - and you can specify an address in spaminator config which URL should be called, like https://myforum.tld/firewalltools/blockip.php?url=$URL
Last line might be optional / too difficult, but that would improve the workflow of administrative antispam actions :)

danger GIF
Warning Sign GIF

ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Login Spaminator with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] Login Spaminator for XenForo for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.3.0 Beta 1

You must validate your XenForo license to see quoted content

Read the rest of this update entry...
After upgrading to XF 2.3 I am getting the following in the system error log, and front end login form is not working. If I disable this addon, login form works again:

Fatal Error: Declaration of OzzModz\Login\XF\Pub\Controller\Login::actionLogin() must be compatible with XF\Pub\Controller\LoginController::actionLogin(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag $params)
2 minutes ago src/addons/OzzModz/Login/XF/Pub/Controller/Login.php:7