[OzzModz] Login Spaminator

[OzzModz] Login Spaminator [Paid] 2.3.0 Patch Level 2

No permission to buy ($40.00)
This add-on i preventing legit users from login in, not sure what is the issue because i can't reproduce it but many users sent pm's complaining they can't login.

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I was never notified of this update.

However, I am using Xenoforo 2.1.6.

I am assuming that this upgrade won't affect me too much. Am I correct?
I didn't see it. Well, they're both equally interesting add-ons. They could be in the same pack, they complement each other. In my previous domain I had a lot of spambots, I even got a lot of spam through the contact form (although at least this didn't bother the users).

Now this new domain, at the moment has no registration attempts from these annoying bots, at the moment.
Bug report for version: 2.1.0

I have this mod installed on our site with ThemeHouse styles. When you click on the Log in button displayed as a popup, it displays all the hidden fields (went from top of page all the way down to the bottom). When you click on the Log in on the popup and went to the page. All seemed good there.

Login Fields.png