[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo

[OzzModz] Music Thread Starter for XenForo [Paid] 2.2.0 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Bug report for version: 2.1.5

Hello. It does not create a thread. Write error:

AudoDb Error 403: Forbidden
There is no need to repeat anything. Before I wrote here, I looked at the api key. (5d656564694f534d656564)
But it's not working. I don't want to hold it up anymore.
The key is most certainly working, if it wasn’t then it wouldn’t be working here, which isn’t the case.

I think there is an issue with communication between your server and their site.
Any chance of an update to this to prevent duplicate entries? With thanks.
Ozzy47 ozzy47 any movement on the above Ozzy?
Loving your mods Ozzy!
Is this plugin still working and supported?
I have a question about widget. I noticed that unlike your tv and movie thread starter there's no widget for the music one? Thanks
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What is that you want the widget to do? I adjusted the standard widgets to show album covers with name of artist and name of album on my own site have a look and see if this is what you would like the widget to do and I'll help you out with it.

You had an option from the add new widget for music? I don't have that. That's the only reason why I was asking.
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No! I adapted the standard Xenforo widget to show the music albums. I had to manually edit the template for the topics, which basically meant I had to add certain things and move a few things around and add to extra CSS to make it work as you see it on my site. I would send this to you via email, but for some reason or other my email addresses are not liked by Google mail. BTW. I manually approved your account on my site because the email it sent out to you for confirmation bounced lol.