[OzzModz] User Upgrade Categories

[OzzModz] User Upgrade Categories [Paid] 2.0.2

No permission to buy ($10.00)
Ok..for some reason i was not looking at it correctly ..I thought that was a image of the Admin settings.
Painbaker Painbaker Is there a way to rename the ungrouped category so it doesn't always say ungrouped?
Painbaker Painbaker
Also I just noticed that this is making me receive an error when using with "XenSoluce - User Upgrade Duration" addon.
It wont let me pick a duration, so there is no proceeding with an upgrade.
You must validate your XenForo license to see quoted content
Most likely template modifications conflict.
I'll send you a PM with a new build where it should be fixed.

You must validate your XenForo license to see quoted content
Addon uses the XF core phrase ungrouped
I will add a separate phrase so that you can translate it
Painbaker Painbaker
Another little request if you will...
Could you also make another phrase for the "There is nothing to display." so we can take advantage of that space how we see fit?

That space could be used for Btc addess, Upgrade Policy, Payment Methods and much more.
To me its an eyesore to see something stock when the rest is custom, and it will also be able to use the last remaining unusable spot!

I see it says it's 2.3 compatible but I'm not seeing them on my front end anymore.

Also, for quite some time, the 'enable button does not seem to do anything. They show if checked or not.

Also ... I'd also like to suggest an option to trigger the 'is-active' class so we can choose which categories are collapsed or expanded by default.