Spitballing new features for Advanced Forms

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Right now nothing actually. I just meant like for example when XF 2.2 came out, this addon probably had to be adjusted in a minor way to the new thread types. At least I assume it. So, you guys did tweak it and now it works for 2.2. That's what I was trying to say like when XF 2.3 or 2.4 will come out, you guys have to do minor tweaks and the rest will work just like now as the backend should be very stable.

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One thing I can think of is that we can't display the forms for guests.
Like I want that guests can see that forms are available, but I want only registered users to use it. Right now that is not possible as far as I know.


So, it would be nice if "viewing" and "posting" would be separate things and not tied to each other. A usergroup that can view the form also can use the form. So allowing guests to view it allows them to use forms, which I don't want. But disallowing them means they can't see forms and are not aware of such feature on the site. I get a lot of questions from newly registered users specific to my niche asking "how can I share xyz?". And I tell them to use the forms. And that is due because they were not aware that such a system was in place. Only after they register they can see.

Maybe this can be tied to the new introduced feature of XF 2.2. as well: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/writing-before-registering.181331/

But again, it would be nice to have, I can't complain and accepted it as it is.
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Setting the "Unregistered/Unconfirmed" user group permission so they can view forms don’t allow them to view?

Scratch that, now I remember that only forms a user can fill out are shown to a user.
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Yeah, sadly. Setting that permission to the unregistered usergroup does nothing.

What counts is the criteria used for each type/form. And that defines if one can view and post or not. It is not separate unfortunately.
I think if I were to add that, it would have to be an option on each form type, like a checkbox “Show form to guests?”

Checking it would allow guests to see the selected form, but not able to fill in any of the fields.
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Not every form has a type.
Types are not necessary to have. It just is there to categorize. So if you were to do this in that way, you have to put that checkbox for each form type AND form.

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Yeah, one way to do that. But this addon has many field types (question answer types). Disabling all type of fields may not be that easy? Like file upload needs to be disabled, too or the WYSIWYG Editor and so on. But that problem is yours to think about :D.

Or you could go the XF 2.2 route and let them fill in any of the fields, and after they submit, they are asked to register otherwise it doesn't work.
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I like the direction and concept here, but imagine the frustration! And especially if their input isn't saved once they DO register!
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Obviously it must be assured that the input is saved afterwards, that is the whole point or it would be beyond frustration.

This trick is used widely on every major platform to increase registrations. Many people are holding back from registering, even though it is just 2-3 fields to fill in. People are lazy and don't do that. So luring them while making them think they don't have to register until to the end, helps increasing registrations.

Because let's think about it. Someone puts 10 minutes of his time by filling out a form on my site for example only at the end to be prompted to register. Now he has to decide. Does his 10 minutes go to waste or does he register and his last 10 minutes were not wasted?

My main site is still on 2.1 and I couldn't test this new feature for 2.2 yet. So I don't know if it works nicely or not. Will test asap when I upgrade.

In any case, this feature could be adapted to the forms system as well. But even without this system, I would still be happy if guests could see my forms at all. That would be a neat upgrade as well. This 2.2 feature would just be a bonus on top.
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That's why I said I like the direction and concept. And definitely you wouldn't want them losing their input once they're registered.
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I think you would want to spaminator protect it. Otherwise imagine the buttload of crap being saved.

( S sbj - I took the initiative to move this separate discussion to its own thread I think it deserves.)
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I'm thinking you might have a lot of ideas about this add-on now and in the future and I think it deserves its own thread for exploring that. With the amount of support help you've given us, I look at it as a way to give back.
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