A suggestion for this addon.
Now that the GDPR is around the corner, I might think that this addon could be potentially problematic.
Cause revealing one's country is definitely revealing personal information, which means we would need consent from the user.
What I propose is the following change.
When the addon is enabled (and the permissions set), instead of displaying the country flags by default, let users choose first.
Right now we can let users hide their flags, if we want. But still by default the flags are shown first. People need to change in the account/privacy settings not to show them, if they wish. But we didn't have their consent in first place. So when the addon is enabled, instead of having all flags shown by default to all visitors, make it to "nobody". And let people actively change them to "all visitors" if they wish to let people see their countries. By that method we would have their consent, as they decided to show them, we didn't made them to show.
I think this is the better approach. What do you think?